diff --git a/src/gui_functions.py b/src/gui_functions.py
index 0d7bcb32b87285d0e80c20fc358f1fb13193e7b4..6986c6693356e71cc7e6cf7851baf17d1ab55c0b 100644
--- a/src/gui_functions.py
+++ b/src/gui_functions.py
@@ -120,3 +120,94 @@ def select_idf(self):
         messageBox(self, "Important", "Valid File not selected")
         return 0
+class Infobox(QtWidgets.QWidget):
+    def __init__(self, pypath, cat):
+        super(Infobox, self).__init__()
+        self.path = pypath
+        self.cat = cat
+        self.initUI()
+    def initUI(self):
+        windowSetup(self, 285, 410, 600, 500, pypath,
+                       'Info')
+        # creating main layout
+        self.vbox = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self)
+        self.setLayout(self.vbox)
+        self.textwidget = QtWidgets.QTextBrowser()
+        self.vbox.addWidget(self.textwidget)
+        self.textwidget.setFontPointSize(10)
+        if self.cat == 1:
+            text = "Consistency checks implemented based on 'A rule-based" \
+                   " system to automatically validate IFC 2nd level SB' " \
+                   "(Ying/Lee 2021) \n\n" \
+                   "CR.1\tChecking the consistency of IfcRelSpaceBoundary2ndLevel: Description/InternalOrExternalBoundary\n" \
+                   "CR.1.1\tIF Description = “2a” AND InternalOrExternalBoundary = “INTERNAL”, THEN the object on the other side of the RelatedBuildingElement of the SB must be a space.\n" \
+                   "CR.1.2\tIF Description = “2a” AND InternalOrExternalBoundary = “EXTERNAL”, THEN the object on the other side of the RelatedBuildingElement of the SB must be an outdoor environment. \n" \
+                   "CR.1.3\tIF Description = “2a” AND InternalOrExternalBoundary = “EXTERNAL_EARTH”, THEN the object on the other side of the RelatedBuildingElement of the SB must be a site object.\n" \
+                   "CR.1.4\tIF Description = “2b”, THEN the object on the other side of the RelatedBuildingElement of the SB must be a non-shading element.\n" \
+                   "CR.1.5\tIF Description = “Shading”, THEN the SB should not bound any interior spaces.\n" \
+                   "CR.1.6\tIF Description = “2a” AND InternalOrExternalBoudary = “INTERNAL”, THEN CorrespondingBoundary must refer to an IfcRelSpaceBoundary2ndLevel instance.\n\n" \
+                   "CR.2\tChecking the consistency of IfcRelSpaceBoundary2ndLevel: RelatingSpace/RelatedBuildingElement\n" \
+                   "CR.2.1\tIF the RelatingSpace of a SB is a space object, THEN the SB must be included by a relevant face of the RelatingSpace.\n" \
+                   "CR.2.2\tIF the RelatedBuildingElement of a SB is not a virtual element, THEN the SB must be included by a relevant face of the RelatedBuildingElement. Note: IF the RelatedBuildingElement of the SB is a window or a door, THEN the SB must be included by a relevant face of the IfcOpeningElement instance that fills the window or the door.\n\n" \
+                   "CR.3\tChecking the consistency of IfcRelSpaceBoundary2ndLevel: PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary\n" \
+                   "CR.3.1\tIF PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary = “PHYSICAL”, THEN IfcRelSpaceBoundary2ndLevel.RelatedBuildingElement ∈ {IfcVirtualElement, IfcOpeningElement}.\n" \
+                   "CR.3.2\tIF PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary = “VIRTUAL”, THEN IfcRelSpaceBoundary2ndLevel.RelatedBuildingElement ∈ {IfcVirtualElement, IfcOpeningElement}.\n\n" \
+                   "CR.4\tChecking the consistency of IfcRelSpaceBoundary2ndLevel: ParentBoundary\n" \
+                   "CR.4.1\tIF ParentBoundary of a SB is another SB AND Description != “Shading”, THEN the SB must be included by that SB.\n" \
+                   "CR.4.2\tIF ParentBoundary of a SB is another SB AND Description = “Shading”, THEN the SB must connect that SB.\n\n" \
+                   "CR.5\tChecking the consistency of IfcRelSpaceBoundary2ndLevel: CorrespondingBoundary\n" \
+                   "CR.5.1\tIF CorrespondingBoundary of a SB is another SB, THEN the SB must fully overlap that SB after projecting the SB on the plane where that SB lies."
+        elif self.cat == 2:
+            text = "GlobalID\t\tbound.GlobalId must be a global unique ID\n" \
+                    "Level\t\tbound.Name must be '2ndLevel'('1stLevel') for 2nd (1st) Level Boundaries, but must only be checked for non-IFC4-files\n" \
+                    "Description\t\tbound.Description must be either '2a' or '2b' for 2ndLevel boundaries\n" \
+                    "VirtPhys\t\tbound.PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary.upper must be 'PHYSICAL', 'VIRTUAL' or 'NOTDEFINED'\n" \
+                    "IntExt\t\tbound.InternalOrExternalBoundary.upper must be either 'INTERNAL', 'EXTERNAL', 'EXTERNAL_FIRE', 'EXTERNAL_WATER' or 'EXTERNAL_EARTH'\n" \
+                    "Space\t\tbound.RelatingSpace must reference an entity of IfcSpace\n" \
+                    "Element\t\tbound.RelatedBuildingElement must reference an entity of IfcElement (IFC4)\n" \
+                    "Geometry\t\tbound.ConnectionGeometry must reference an entity of IfcConnectionGeometry (IFC4, but only IfcSurfaceConnection should be provided)\n" \
+                    "Geo.Related\t\tbound.ConnectionGeometry.SurfaceOnRelatedElement must reference an entity of IfcCurveBoundedPlane (or  IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel (IFC4) which is not supposed to be used anymore) or be 'NULL'\n" \
+                    "Geo.Relating\t\tbound.ConnectionGeometry.SurfaceOnRelatingElement must reference an entity of IfcCurveBoundedPlane (or  IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel (IFC4) which is not supposed to be used anymore)\n" \
+                    "Geo.Basis\t\tbound.ConnectionGeometry.SurfaceOnRelatingElement.BasisSurface must reference an entity of IfcPlane\n" \
+                    "Geo.Inner\t\tbound.ConnectionGeometry.SurfaceOnRelatingElement.InnerBoundaries must be 'NULL'\n" \
+                    "Geo.PlanePos\t\tbound.ConnectionGeometry.SurfaceOnRelatingElement.BasisSurface.Position must reference an entity of IfcAxis2Placement3D\n" \
+                    "Geo.RefDir\t\tbound.ConnectionGeometry.SurfaceOnRelatingElement.BasisSurface.Position.RefDirection if set, it must reference an entity of IfcDirection \n" \
+                    "Geo.Axis\t\tbound.ConnectionGeometry.SurfaceOnRelatingElement.BasisSurface.Position.Axis if set, it must reference an entity of IfcDirection\n" \
+                    "Geo.Loc\t\tbound.ConnectionGeometry.SurfaceOnRelatingElement.BasisSurface.Position.Location must reference an entity of IfcCartesianPoint\n" \
+                    "Geo.LocCo\t\tbound.ConnectionGeometry.SurfaceOnRelatingElement.BasisSurface.Position.Location.Coordinates must be at least 1 and less than 4 values in REAL type\n" \
+                    "Geo.AxDirRat\t\tbound.ConnectionGeometry.SurfaceOnRelatingElement.BasisSurface.Position.Axis.DirectionRatios must be 2 or 3 values in REAL type \n" \
+                    "Geo.RefDirRat\tbound.ConnectionGeometry.SurfaceOnRelatingElement.BasisSurface.Position.RefDirection.DirectionRatios must be 2 or 3 values in REAL type \n" \
+                    "Parent\t\tbound.ParentBoundary must reference an entity of 1stLevelBoundary or be 'None', returns 'NE' if non-existent\n" \
+                    "Corresponding\tbound.CorrespondingBoundary must reference an entity of 2ndLevelBoundary or be 'None', return 'NE' if non-existent. Also checks whether corresponding bounds are referencing each other.\n" \
+                    "Outer\t\tbound.ConnectionGeometry.SurfaceOnRelatingElement.OuterBoundary must reference an entity of IfcCompositeCurve\n" \
+                    "Outer.Seg\t\tbound.ConnectionGeometry.SurfaceOnRelatingElement.OuterBoundary.Segments must reference an entity of 'IfcCompositeCurveSegment'\n" \
+                    "Outer.SegPoly\tbound.ConnectionGeometry.SurfaceOnRelatingElement.OuterBoundary.Segments.ParentCurve must reference an entity of 'IfcPolyline' (check_poly_points)\n" \
+                    "Outer.SegPolyCo\tbound.ConnectionGeometry.SurfaceOnRelatingElement.OuterBoundary.Segments.ParentCurve.Coordinates must not be 'Null' (check_poly_points_coord)\n" \
+                    "Outer.Poly\t\tbound.ConnectionGeometry.SurfaceOnRelatingElement.OuterBoundary must reference an entity of 'IfcPolyline' if there are no segments (check_poly_points)\n" \
+                    "Outer.PolyCo\t\tbound.ConnectionGeometry.SurfaceOnRelatingElement.OuterBoundary.Coordinates (points of polyline) must not be 'Null' if there are no segments\n\n" \
+                    "See also: https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4/ADD2/HTML/schema/ifcproductextension/lexical/ifcrelspaceboundary.htm\n\n" \
+                    "If the space boundaries are not declared as IfcRelSpaceBoundary2ndLevel, IfcRelSpaceBoundary will be checked without considering ParentBoundaries and CorrespondingBoundaries."
+        elif self.cat == 3:
+            text = "Surface Normals:\t\tAll surface normals within the IDF " \
+                   "should point outwards the space.\n" \
+                   "Collinearity&Coincidence of vertices:\tThe vertices of " \
+                   "building surfaces must not be coincident or collinear.\n" \
+                   "Airtightness:\t\t\tThe surfaces within a thermal zone " \
+                   "should form an airtight shell bounding the zone volume.\n"
+        self.textwidget.setText(text)
+        self.lGrid = QtWidgets.QGridLayout()
+        self.btn_close = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Close')
+        self.lGrid.addWidget(self.btn_close, 0, 1)
+        self.vbox.addLayout(self.lGrid)
+        self.btn_close.clicked.connect(self.close_about)
+    def close_about(self):
+        self.hide()
diff --git a/src/main.py b/src/main.py
index 445c9fe025009fc4c52f4c4d758e0a326f6f9805..955450739f11589c87a1f3b025b6b5f7534c3f1a 100644
--- a/src/main.py
+++ b/src/main.py
@@ -676,6 +676,20 @@ class Window(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
+        # Popup infobox
+        self.info_menu = self.bar.addMenu('Info')
+        if self.file_type == 'ifc':
+            self.info_cons_action = QtWidgets.QAction('&Consistency', self)
+            self.info_menu.addAction(self.info_cons_action)
+            self.info_cons_action.triggered.connect(self.info_box_c)
+            self.info_syntax_action = QtWidgets.QAction('&Syntax', self)
+            self.info_menu.addAction(self.info_syntax_action)
+            self.info_syntax_action.triggered.connect(self.info_box_s)
+        elif self.file_type == 'idf':
+            self.info_idf_action = QtWidgets.QAction('&Validation Rules', self)
+            self.info_menu.addAction(self.info_idf_action)
+            self.info_idf_action.triggered.connect(self.info_box_idf)
     def func_file_sel(self):
         if self.file_type == 'ifc':
             gf.next_window(self, Window(file_type='ifc'), trig_True)
@@ -743,6 +757,18 @@ class Window(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
+    def info_box_c(self):
+        global pypath
+        gf.next_window(self, gf.Infobox(pypath, 1), False)
+    def info_box_s(self):
+        global pypath
+        gf.next_window(self, gf.Infobox(pypath, 2), False)
+    def info_box_idf(self):
+        global pypath
+        gf.next_window(self, gf.Infobox(pypath, 3), False)
 class WindowTrsf(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
     def __init__(self, parent=None):